There are times, usually at night when it's quiet that my mind seems to go into overdrive. Thoughts and ideas seem to bombard my mind when I'm trying my best to get some much needed and desired rest. Sometimes, I lie in bed and mull over the thoughts. They seem to play over and over as if they're on a loop. If mulling doesn't bring me resolution or relief, I have to get up and move. If that still doesn't work, I have to write out the thoughts and ideas that seem to want to linger. By doing this, I am freeing my mind from the need to remember or deal with the thoughts and ideas at that particular time. This is especially true if they're negative or difficult thoughts that require a solution. If they are, mulling doesn't work for me. I have to deal with them at that moment, no matter the time. That way, I break the cycle because if I don't, I remain restless and may even become more frustrated. As a last resort, I ask God to "tell my mind to shut-up". That's the only time I use those two words, "shut-up" and let me tell you, it works!!
Dr. D. Clutter™
Life management insights, strategies, hints, ideas, and tips from Dr. DClutter™.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Foolish Talk?
Out of the mouth of babes come wonderful thoughts and ideas. Out of the mouths of fools come a lot of apologies. Which one do you strive to be?
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Friday, June 26, 2009
I often read a small town paper online called the Daily Herald. In the opinion section, there is something called Sound Off! The purpose is for readers to share comments about what matters to them, ranging from topics about life in the city, politics and personal pet peeves, to compliments and complaints. I thoroughly enjoy reading Sound Off! and decided to offer something similar to you, my faithful followers. I love it!! In Sound Off! readers are encouraged to stay on topic, be respectful and the use of foul or obscene language, personal attacks or uses of another's identity to post are not allowed. The rules for what I am calling "Let Go!! with Dr. D. Clutter™" are the same. Every Friday is our official Let Go!! w/Dr. D. Clutter™ day. I'll post your advice, ideas, stories and thoughts. It'll be a place for you to share your life management and organization issues as well as discuss life events that inspire, empower or bother you. You can "leave it all here", as long as you follow the rules I discussed above. All comments will be reviewed before posting. So get ready, get set and Let Go!! w/Dr. D. Clutter™.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Say Yes?
"Yes" is a powerful word, so use it only when you really mean it.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Extraordinary People
While I was waiting for a graduation ceremony to start, I chatted with the woman seated next to me. She had the inside scoop on the ceremony from the year before. She told me to expect the principal to ask the crowd to hold their applause until each name was read (not likely and didn't happen); she told me on which side the ladies would march in (our side); she told me that the ceremony would last about two and a half hours (correct again). She knew all of these things because just last year, she was a participant and not a spectator. She'd gone back to school and had graduated last year!! I was so inspired. She has two high school aged daughters and said she did it for them as much as for herself. "I couldn't encourage them to do well in school and graduate, when I hadn't done it myself". My heart swelled!! If you don't know, I cry easily when I'm inspired, happy, sad, glad or mad. Now I did not let go with an ugly cry, but my eyes did swell with tears. I managed to pull myself together to tell her what an inspiration she was. What a joyous night. Oh, did I mention that a 70-year old man also graduated that night? Does anyone have a tissue?
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Monday, June 22, 2009
Mistakes Welcomed
I'm a strong advocate for making mistakes. Think about it, if you're completely honest with yourself (no one else has to know) haven't you learned as much from your mistakes as you have from your successes?
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Friday, June 19, 2009
I often read a small town paper online called the Daily Herald. In the opinion section, there is something called Sound Off! The purpose is for readers to share comments about what matters to them, ranging from topics about life in the city, politics and personal pet peeves, to compliments and complaints. I thoroughly enjoy reading Sound Off! and decided to offer something similar to you, my faithful followers. I love it!! In Sound Off! readers are encouraged to stay on topic, be respectful and the use of foul or obscene language, personal attacks or uses of another's identity to post are not allowed. The rules for what I am calling "Let Go!! with Dr. D. Clutter™" are the same. Every Friday is our official Let Go!! w/Dr. D. Clutter™ day. I'll post your advice, ideas, stories and thoughts. It'll be a place for you to share your life management and organization issues as well as discuss life events that inspire, empower or bother you. You can "leave it all here", as long as you follow the rules I discussed above. All comments will be reviewed before posting. So get ready, get set and Let Go!! w/Dr. D. Clutter™.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Thursday, June 18, 2009
On the Radio
What a great show!! I was just on Walden's Blog Talk Radio show and I had a blast!! Thanks to Shannon Mouton (watch out Oprah) and all of the folks at Walden. To the listeners and chatters (esp. Danielle), thanks for taking the time to stop by for a visit.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Do you struggle to decide which tasks you should attempt and which can wait? Do you feel as if you're not accomplishing anything during your day? Is "later" a favorite word in your vocabulary? While proper time management is important, you have to make sure that your time management skills match your personality. If you constantly feel in conflict, you're not really in control of your time. Start small; make a list of the things you'd like to accomplish each day and track your progress for at least a week. Ask yourself these questions and adjust your schedule accordingly:
1. Am I accomplishing most of the tasks on my list?
2. Do I seem to carry many of the items over for another day?
3. If yes, why? Is it lack of time or lack of motivation?
4. How am I feeling when I accomplish a task or not?
Dr. D. Clutter™
1. Am I accomplishing most of the tasks on my list?
2. Do I seem to carry many of the items over for another day?
3. If yes, why? Is it lack of time or lack of motivation?
4. How am I feeling when I accomplish a task or not?
Dr. D. Clutter™
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Computer Clutter
You've spent some time finding the perfect desktop background for your computer. Perhaps it’s a picture of cute puppies or kittens or a picture of a fond childhood memory, but you can't see it because you have too many icons cluttering the screen. The same is probably true for your files. I know you've already figured out where this is heading. Take the time to declutter and organize your computer files. It can be a time consuming task, but only once, because maintenance will take much less time. Organizing your files will make your daily computer time run more smoothly.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Simple Inspiration
I seem to glean ideas about life management from the most unlikely sources. Sometimes a character on television inspires me (that seems to happen more and more lately, not that I watch THAT much television, SMILE). Other ideas are inspired by something I've read (no plagiarism, just inspiration), by a conversation or by observation. I can hear the wind blow or see it pushing a leaf across the street and, BOOM-inspiration. What inspires you?
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Monday, June 15, 2009
We've Missed You!!
I'm sure you've received catalogs or postcards from companies that read "We've Missed You!!" I have. What they are truly saying is that they miss us parting with our money and giving it to them in exchange for a service or product. I don't have a problem with the solicitations since I know how to stop them if I want and hey, they're trying to survive this economic hardship too. However, it would be nice if we could get that type of attention from the people in our everyday lives. So, join with me in telling people that they are missed & valued.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Friday, June 12, 2009
I often read a small town paper online called the Daily Herald. In the opinion section, there is something called Sound Off! The purpose is for readers to share comments about what matters to them, ranging from topics about life in the city, politics and personal pet peeves, to compliments and complaints. I thoroughly enjoy reading Sound Off! and decided to offer something similar to you, my faithful followers. I love it!! In Sound Off! readers are encouraged to stay on topic, be respectful and the use of foul or obscene language, personal attacks or uses of another's identity to post are not allowed. The rules for what I am calling "Let Go!! with Dr. D. Clutter™" are the same. Every Friday is our official Let Go!! w/Dr. D. Clutter™ day. I'll post your advice, ideas, stories and thoughts. It'll be a place for you to share your life management and organization issues as well as discuss life events that inspire, empower or bother you. You can "leave it all here", as long as you follow the rules I discussed above. All comments will be reviewed before posting. So get ready, get set and Let Go!! w/Dr. D. Clutter™.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Happy Birthday, Moma!!
Join me in wishing the best mother God ever created, a Happy Birthday!! I would show pictures, but she's very humble, private and a surprisingly fast runner and could probably catch me if I did post pics!!
I am grateful you're my mother!! Happy birthday!!
Daughter Dr. D. Clutter™
I am grateful you're my mother!! Happy birthday!!
Daughter Dr. D. Clutter™
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Madam Salutatorian
The aisle walk!!
Congratulations to Tia. She was chosen as Salutatorian of her graduating class and had the honor of reading a poem she composed. We are very proud!!
She's Official!!
Dr. D. Clutter™
Congratulations to Tia. She was chosen as Salutatorian of her graduating class and had the honor of reading a poem she composed. We are very proud!!
She's Official!!
Dr. D. Clutter™
She Did it!!
Well, today is Tia's (yes, I used your real name)day and in twelve or so hours, she'll be a high school graduate!! Seeing that she is painfully shy, I truly appreciate her allowing me to share her day with you. Okay, she didn't exactly give me direct permission, but it was implied (SMILE). Congratulations Tia!! Pictures to follow the ceremony.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
His Day!
I am still glowing from my nephew's graduation. I was privileged to be a part of this wonderful beginning of a new phase of his life. The "real" world is waiting anxiously to greet him. We'll stand behind, beside, above and beneath him as he takes his first steps. We'll be there to applaud for him when he succeeds and to console him when life has not been so kind.
I also encourage you to read anything written by Patrice Gaines. She was the commencement speaker. Powerful!!
As promised, pics from the ceremony:
"Please no autographs!!"
"Could I be any happier?"
The graduate and the proud aunt!!
Dr. D. Clutter™
I also encourage you to read anything written by Patrice Gaines. She was the commencement speaker. Powerful!!
As promised, pics from the ceremony:
"Please no autographs!!"
"Could I be any happier?"
The graduate and the proud aunt!!
Dr. D. Clutter™
He Did it-Again!!
That's my nephew Denzel running away to make sure no one can catch him to make him give back his diploma!! No seriously, he's reached yet another milestone-high school graduation. No one can take that away from him and I am very proud aunt!! Denzel, it's off to college in the fall, so enjoy the last few weeks of freedom!!
I'll have pictures to share later today after the ceremony.
Aunt Dr. D. Clutter™
I'll have pictures to share later today after the ceremony.
Aunt Dr. D. Clutter™
Monday, June 8, 2009
The Tongue
Which of your muscles is the most powerful? The tongue. How amazing is it that a muscle so small can cause problems so large? It can be used to build someone up or tear someone down. Use yours to promote goodness and positivity, not to support evil and negativity.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Friday, June 5, 2009
I often read a small town paper online called the Daily Herald. In the opinion section, there is something called Sound Off! The purpose is for readers to share comments about what matters to them, ranging from topics about life in the city, politics and personal pet peeves, to compliments and complaints. I thoroughly enjoy reading Sound Off! and decided to offer something similar to you, my faithful followers. I love it!! In Sound Off! readers are encouraged to stay on topic, be respectful and the use of foul or obscene language, personal attacks or uses of another's identity to post are not allowed. The rules for what I am calling "Let Go!! with Dr. D. Clutter™" are the same. Every Friday is our official Let Go!! w/Dr. D. Clutter™ day. I'll post your advice, ideas, stories and thoughts. It'll be a place for you to share your life management and organization issues as well as discuss life events that inspire, empower or bother you. You can "leave it all here", as long as you follow the rules I discussed above. All comments will be reviewed before posting. So get ready, get set and Let Go!! w/Dr. D. Clutter™.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Follow Your Heart?
I’ve heard it said that you can’t be a failure if you follow your heart. What if your heart and head don’t agree? Which one would you choose to follow?
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
He Did It!!
I am so very proud to announce that my nephew, Denzel, earned his driver's license today!! Be afraid, be very afraid (SMILE)!! I've already requested that he let me know when he's going to drive so that I can stay off of the streets. Seriously, I'm very proud that he has achieved this very important milestone.
A picture REALLY is worth a thousand words.
Dr.D. Clutter™
A picture REALLY is worth a thousand words.
Dr.D. Clutter™
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
I love the Golden Girls and Sophia is my favorite character. She’s brutally honest and forthright, often at the expense of others. Her one character flaw? She ‘s not so receptive to being criticized (not that any of us would be either). In one episode, she’d composed a little ditty, asked the other ladies for their honest critique and then totally dismissed it. The lesson to this story? Don’t ask for someone’s honest opinion and then tell him or her it’s not what you wanted to hear.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Monday, June 1, 2009
I was talking to my best friend, Mother McClurkin, who is almost 95 years old. I asked if she had any regrets in the way she’d lived her life. She said that although she tried not to focus on past mistakes and problems, she did have things she wished she could change. If she, at almost 95 years old has regrets, it makes me chuckle when I ask other people much, much younger and they have none. Of course, I guess it’s possible to live your life with no regrets, but that hasn’t been my experience. While I too, don’t focus on those things I can’t change, I do have my moments of “could’ve, would’ve, should’ve. I think on them and if I can change my current circumstances based on a past experience, I do. But if I can’t, I may have a pity party-but it’s only for a few moments and then I move on. What about you?
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
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About Me
- Dr. DClutter™
- Washington, DC, United States
- I am Dr. Darnita L. Payden, Executive Director/Owner of Dr. DClutter™ Life Management, a division of PreciousOnes™ LLC. I have a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology and over 20 years of experience working to help clients discover their strengths and talents. Having worked as a therapist, college professor, grief specialist and trainer, I have encountered in my journey many of the issues my clients may face. I have a sincere desire to help you find clarity, organization and independence in your life and environments. I know that life can be hectic, but I desire to help my clients bring as much order, peace and enjoyment back into their lives as is possible. What separates me from the norm? I focus on the client from a holistic perspective. I realize that most people desire a functional and an organized life, but may simply need support, understanding and information about why they have the habits or tendencies that have led to disorganization. I do not perform “quick fixes” or provide “one-size-fits-all” guidance, but I strive to provide strategies to my clients that will be life changing and useful for a lifetime. Dr. DClutter™ is a name well earned!!
Dr. DClutter's™ Publications
- Dr. DClutter's™ Wiseisms and Thruthisms™ Daily Inspirations, Observations and Humorous Musings
- Dr. DClutter's™ One-Day-a-Week-Guide to a Year of Random Acts of Kindness (plus 20 extra days just in case)
- Dr. DClutter's™ 21-Day Journey to a New You
- Declutter-Four Benefits of an Organized Life
- Clutter Makes You S.I.G.H.™
- Simplify. Simplify. How to Declutter Your Life
Blog Archive
- Racing Mind
- Foolish Talk?
- I often read a small town paper online called the ...
- Say Yes?
- Happy Birthday!!
- Extraordinary People
- Mistakes Welcomed
- I often read a small town paper online called the ...
- On the Radio
- Later
- Computer Clutter
- Simple Inspiration
- We've Missed You!!
- I often read a small town paper online called the ...
- Happy Birthday, Moma!!
- Madam Salutatorian
- She Did it!!
- His Day!
- He Did it-Again!!
- The Tongue
- I often read a small town paper online called the ...
- Follow Your Heart?
- He Did It!!
- Honesty-Not!!
- Regrets
Four Benefits of Organization
Search Wiseisms and Truthisms Blog
Dr. DClutter™ featured on Walden University Radio
What's Your Organizational Issue?
- Original content copyright 2011 by Dr. Darnita L. Payden; republication by permission only.