I often read a small town paper online called the Daily Herald. In the opinion section, there is something called Sound Off! The purpose is for readers to share comments about what matters to them, ranging from topics about life in the city, politics and personal pet peeves, to compliments and complaints. I thoroughly enjoy reading Sound Off! and decided to offer something similar to you, my faithful followers. I love it!! In Sound Off! readers are encouraged to stay on topic, be respectful and the use of foul or obscene language, personal attacks or uses of another's identity to post are not allowed. The rules for what I am calling "Let Go!! with Dr. D. Clutter™" are the same. Every Friday is our official Let Go!! w/Dr. D. Clutter™ day. I'll post your advice, ideas, stories and thoughts. It'll be a place for you to share your life management and organization issues as well as discuss life events that inspire, empower or bother you. You can "leave it all here", as long as you follow the rules I discussed above. All comments will be reviewed before posting. So get ready, get set and Let Go!! w/Dr. D. Clutter™.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Life management insights, strategies, hints, ideas, and tips from Dr. DClutter™.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Stand Up
Imagine this scenario: You're having a difficult time dealing with a person with whom you've entered a contractual agreement. You're always upfront about your expectations when you embark on a new business or personal venture. You forewarn that you have exacting standards and expect a certain level in return, especially when you're paying. No, you don't live by the old saying that the customer is always right, but do believe that the "contract is always right". So, let's say you have to remind someone that you had a contract and one of you is not honoring it and that someone is not you. Instead of accepting that the he/she had not done what he’d/she'd been contracted to do, he/she attempts to blame you!! Notice I said, "attempts", because he/she failed!! The contract stated that as the client, you have the right to be satisfied with the final product or work would continue until you were. You’d not asked for anything out of the realm of your contract, but simply wanted the finished product to reflect YOUR standards and wishes that were made "clear" before you started. And end of scene. Now, why that little one act play? To simply say, "Stand up for your rights when someone has made a promise or you’ve entered into contract. It’s your right". Now here's the lesson-you need to be able to "find" that contract to dispute it, correct? So make sure your files are in order and you know where things are. I know, I know, I traveled a long way for that one didn't I?
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Good Day, Bad Day
I can honestly say that I've experienced every emotion; some I like more than others. I can be a pretty upbeat, positive person, but I have also be sullen and depressed-and everything in between. But, have you ever had a day when you felt like both-upbeat and sullen and positive and depressed? Okay, if I am truly confessing here-I may have an occasional day when it's more an hourly thing-mood up and mood down-you know-LIFE. My solution? I accept both sides of my mood, but only allow one of them to color my life for any length of time. Can you guess which one I'm writing about? When I'm not feeling my best, I remind myself that just a few moments, hours or days ago, I was on top of the world and can and will be there again. So you see, I know that bad days happen to good people, but good people don't allow bad days to win. Your "bad" days don't outnumber your good days if you are truly honest with yourself.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Good Friends
You know you have a good friend when you haven't been one, but he's still yours.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Monday, July 27, 2009
A true friend knows all of your secrets and is still your friend.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Friday, July 24, 2009
I often read a small town paper online called the Daily Herald. In the opinion section, there is something called Sound Off! The purpose is for readers to share comments about what matters to them, ranging from topics about life in the city, politics and personal pet peeves, to compliments and complaints. I thoroughly enjoy reading Sound Off! and decided to offer something similar to you, my faithful followers. I love it!! In Sound Off! readers are encouraged to stay on topic, be respectful and the use of foul or obscene language, personal attacks or uses of another's identity to post are not allowed. The rules for what I am calling "Let Go!! with Dr. D. Clutter™" are the same. Every Friday is our official Let Go!! w/Dr. D. Clutter™ day. I'll post your advice, ideas, stories and thoughts. It'll be a place for you to share your life management and organization issues as well as discuss life events that inspire, empower or bother you. You can "leave it all here", as long as you follow the rules I discussed above. All comments will be reviewed before posting. So get ready, get set and Let Go!! w/Dr. D. Clutter™.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Thursday, July 23, 2009
First Times
Do you remember your first time on a "big girl" bike or the first day of school? What about your first kiss, first love or first heartbreak? All of those "firsts" probably had one thing in common-FEAR. Here's the thing-in life we all have those experiences that scare us. The trick is remembering the times when you overcame that fear. You can ride a bike now (hopefully), you've made it through school (prayerfully) and you've found true love (maybe). So when fear overtakes you, simply take a moment to remember the "Firsts" in your life.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Hold Your Head Up
There are two good reasons to hold your head down. The first is if you're expecting to find money down there!! The second is to avoid stepping in doggy poop. Other than that, keep your head up!!
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Something Good
For the most part, I'm aware of the good things that happen in my life, but recently I've started a new thing-writing them down. I've journaled for years, recording the events of the day, the highs and the lows-but now I make it a point to write at least one thing a day in my journal that was my "something good". Now I take that "something good" in any shape, size or form. It doesn't have to be big or memorable or even life changing. So, when life has not been as kind as it could be, I have a daily reminder that yesterday "something good" happened and that encourages me to know that it will happen again today.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Monday, July 20, 2009
Hopeful Expectations
Live your life full of hope, but take it a step further and live your life full of "expects" too. While you're hoping for something, anything to happen, also "expect" that it will. Those two together are powerful!!
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Friday, July 17, 2009
I often read a small town paper online called the Daily Herald. In the opinion section, there is something called Sound Off! The purpose is for readers to share comments about what matters to them, ranging from topics about life in the city, politics and personal pet peeves, to compliments and complaints. I thoroughly enjoy reading Sound Off! and decided to offer something similar to you, my faithful followers. I love it!! In Sound Off! readers are encouraged to stay on topic, be respectful and the use of foul or obscene language, personal attacks or uses of another's identity to post are not allowed. The rules for what I am calling "Let Go!! with Dr. D. Clutter™" are the same. Every Friday is our official Let Go!! w/Dr. D. Clutter™ day. I'll post your advice, ideas, stories and thoughts. It'll be a place for you to share your life management and organization issues as well as discuss life events that inspire, empower or bother you. You can "leave it all here", as long as you follow the rules I discussed above. All comments will be reviewed before posting. So get ready, get set and Let Go!! w/Dr. D. Clutter™.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Thursday, July 16, 2009
The Picture Queen
I am the picture queen. I love taking before, during and after pics to show people the progress they've made. Why? Because our memories sometimes betray us. We tend to remember the good not as good as it actually was; or we remember the bad not as bad as it actually was; or we remember the bad better than it actually was; or we simply forget to remember all together. Our memories may not be true representations of the actual events. A picture does not lie. Well, except for the ten pounds it ALWAYS adds on me!! But in other situations, it's a great "reminder" of our progress.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
When a Trash Bag is More Than a Trash Bag
When I'm working with a client on physically decluttering a space, I always take a picture of the trash bags that we fill-up. Recently, one of my clients asked, "Why?" Well, it's a visual reminder of the physical freedom from the clutter and disorganization that once ruled her life. Each bag represents "things and stuff" that she has relinquished. Each bag brings her closer to being in control. Each bag represents "things and stuff" that can no longer hinder her from living the life she desires and deserves.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
In the Present
With the recent deaths of such well-known people, it made me think. People die everyday, but most never get a two-hour special aired about their lives, nor do they get a "breaking news" notice to let us know they've passed on. Were their lives any less valuable or interesting? Certainly not!! Now, this is not a post about death-per say-it's about appreciating people in the present moment. Take the time to thank the person who holds the door open for you, or compliments you on a job well done. Take the time to thank someone who is just doing their job, but by doing so makes your life easier to live. Offer a helping hand when you can. However you do it, just make sure you do it in the present.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Monday, July 13, 2009
With the historic election of President Barack Obama, change is a word we've heard a great deal about in the past year or so. We were told, "Yes we can", Yes we will", and even, "Yes we did". That was a great time!! But… how many of us have really changed in ways that matter on a personal, local, national or global level? See, change doesn't just happen because we hope it will (although hoping doesn't hurt), but as noted by the efforts of the people, change takes action. What can you do TODAY that will affect change, either in your own life, in the life of a friend, family member or stranger? What will you do TODAY that will affect change on a personal, local, national or global level? Allow yourself to say, "Yes I did!!" Remember it's not always the "great things" that matter, but those things that people deem to greatness.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Friday, July 10, 2009
I often read a small town paper online called the Daily Herald. In the opinion section, there is something called Sound Off! The purpose is for readers to share comments about what matters to them, ranging from topics about life in the city, politics and personal pet peeves, to compliments and complaints. I thoroughly enjoy reading Sound Off! and decided to offer something similar to you, my faithful followers. I love it!! In Sound Off! readers are encouraged to stay on topic, be respectful and the use of foul or obscene language, personal attacks or uses of another's identity to post are not allowed. The rules for what I am calling "Let Go!! with Dr. D. Clutter™" are the same. Every Friday is our official Let Go!! w/Dr. D. Clutter™ day. I'll post your advice, ideas, stories and thoughts. It'll be a place for you to share your life management and organization issues as well as discuss life events that inspire, empower or bother you. You can "leave it all here", as long as you follow the rules I discussed above. All comments will be reviewed before posting. So get ready, get set and Let Go!! w/Dr. D. Clutter™.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Thursday, July 9, 2009
When to Quit
The word "quit" has gotten such a bad reputation. It happens to be one of my favs. We've been told to never give up, don't be a quitter and quitters never win. Well that's a lot of pressure. There has to be an end in sight somewhere. When is the best time to quit? When whatever you are engaging in doesn't bring you or the people you love, any benefits. When there's no love, joy, happiness, peace, reward, encouragement or payoff, it's time to quit.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The Moment
What's the most opportune time to stop reaching for your goals, joy and happiness when there's still a payoff and you still love what you're doing, but it's been a little difficult lately? The moment after you've taken your last breath. Any other time is unacceptable!!
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The Hammer
While I was driving home the other day, I heard a story on the radio where the speaker told the story of how his father was trying to build something. The problem was that he didn't have the proper tools, so he asked for the "ignorant tool". "The ignorant tool?" I asked out loud. The hammer. "Oh", I said. You see, the father said that the hammer was used in situations when the proper tool was not available, but one wanted to complete the task anyway. It was a tool of force, capable of completing the "something", but possibly destroying it in the process. Sometimes in life, we all choose to use a hammer when another tool will work much better.
P.S. I wish I knew who told this story, but I only caught the program after it had begun. I'd love to give credit, so if anyone knows; it was told on 104.1 FM in DC.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Monday, July 6, 2009
Why is it so difficult to believe in the positive things in our lives, but so easy to believe in the negative?
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Friday, July 3, 2009
I often read a small town paper online called the Daily Herald. In the opinion section, there is something called Sound Off! The purpose is for readers to share comments about what matters to them, ranging from topics about life in the city, politics and personal pet peeves, to compliments and complaints. I thoroughly enjoy reading Sound Off! and decided to offer something similar to you, my faithful followers. I love it!! In Sound Off! readers are encouraged to stay on topic, be respectful and the use of foul or obscene language, personal attacks or uses of another's identity to post are not allowed. The rules for what I am calling "Let Go!! with Dr. D. Clutter™" are the same. Every Friday is our official Let Go!! w/Dr. D. Clutter™ day. I'll post your advice, ideas, stories and thoughts. It'll be a place for you to share your life management and organization issues as well as discuss life events that inspire, empower or bother you. You can "leave it all here", as long as you follow the rules I discussed above. All comments will be reviewed before posting. So get ready, get set and Let Go!! w/Dr. D. Clutter™.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Just in Case You Missed It!! On the Radio-Again
Hey, just in case you weren't able to catch me on the Walden University radio show talking about life management, feel free to listen. I'd love to hear from you.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
My Own Company
Most people don't like being alone on a Friday night. Okay, most don't like it any night, but this is when a good dose of self-contentment is so valuable. If you're great company "to" yourself and "for" yourself, in time, I believe that patience will bring good company.
Dr. D. Clutter™
Dr. D. Clutter™
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About Me
- Dr. DClutter™
- Washington, DC, United States
- I am Dr. Darnita L. Payden, Executive Director/Owner of Dr. DClutter™ Life Management, a division of PreciousOnes™ LLC. I have a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology and over 20 years of experience working to help clients discover their strengths and talents. Having worked as a therapist, college professor, grief specialist and trainer, I have encountered in my journey many of the issues my clients may face. I have a sincere desire to help you find clarity, organization and independence in your life and environments. I know that life can be hectic, but I desire to help my clients bring as much order, peace and enjoyment back into their lives as is possible. What separates me from the norm? I focus on the client from a holistic perspective. I realize that most people desire a functional and an organized life, but may simply need support, understanding and information about why they have the habits or tendencies that have led to disorganization. I do not perform “quick fixes” or provide “one-size-fits-all” guidance, but I strive to provide strategies to my clients that will be life changing and useful for a lifetime. Dr. DClutter™ is a name well earned!!
Dr. DClutter's™ Publications
- Dr. DClutter's™ Wiseisms and Thruthisms™ Daily Inspirations, Observations and Humorous Musings
- Dr. DClutter's™ One-Day-a-Week-Guide to a Year of Random Acts of Kindness (plus 20 extra days just in case)
- Dr. DClutter's™ 21-Day Journey to a New You
- Declutter-Four Benefits of an Organized Life
- Clutter Makes You S.I.G.H.™
- Simplify. Simplify. How to Declutter Your Life
Blog Archive
- I often read a small town paper online called the ...
- Stand Up
- Good Day, Bad Day
- Good Friends
- True
- I often read a small town paper online called the ...
- First Times
- Hold Your Head Up
- Something Good
- Hopeful Expectations
- I often read a small town paper online called the ...
- The Picture Queen
- When a Trash Bag is More Than a Trash Bag
- In the Present
- Change
- I often read a small town paper online called the ...
- When to Quit
- The Moment
- The Hammer
- Believe?
- I often read a small town paper online called the ...
- Just in Case You Missed It!! On the Radio-Again
- My Own Company
Four Benefits of Organization
Search Wiseisms and Truthisms Blog
Dr. DClutter™ featured on Walden University Radio
What's Your Organizational Issue?
- Original content copyright 2011 by Dr. Darnita L. Payden; republication by permission only.