Life management insights, strategies, hints, ideas, and tips from Dr. DClutter™.

Friday, May 28, 2010

I often read a small town paper online called the Daily Herald. In the opinion section, there is something called Sound Off! The purpose is for readers to share comments about what matters to them, ranging from topics about life in the city, politics and personal pet peeves, to compliments and complaints. I thoroughly enjoy reading Sound Off! and decided to offer something similar to you, my faithful followers. I love it!! In Sound Off! readers are encouraged to stay on topic, be respectful and the use of foul or obscene language, personal attacks or uses of another's identity to post are not allowed. The rules for what I am calling "Let Go!! with Dr. DClutter™" are the same. Every Friday is our official Let Go!! w/Dr. DClutter™ day. I'll post your advice, ideas, stories and thoughts. It'll be a place for you to share your life management and organization issues as well as discuss life events that inspire, empower or bother you. You can "leave it all here", as long as you follow the rules I discussed above. All comments will be reviewed before posting. So get ready, get set and Let Go!! w/Dr. DClutter™.

Dr. DClutter™

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Be Forgetful

Remember to forget the failures in life. Remember to embrace the present successes.

Dr. DClutter™

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What's Your Type?

What's your type? Are you independent-a take-charge person, who is proactive? Are you dependent and reactionary-waiting for life to come to you? Are you interdependent-waiting for someone else to decide, while they wait for you to decide? Are you co-dependent-waiting for another to direct your path?

Dr. DClutter™

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Life Sucks!!

Now I am the first to break out my Pollyanna personality to find the best in most situations, but sometimes, even I have to admit that life is difficult and it's okay to say so. Life sucks!! You've probably heard that term or even uttered it a few times. Do you sometimes feel that way? Or do you feel that life is mistreating you, or my nieces' favorite, isn't fair? While all of those things may be true about life, it still is truly better if you put forth the effort to improve it. I know. I hear the naysayers saying that they've worked hard and still can't get ahead, get a break, or get a blessing. Sadly, for most of us, those things are at one point or another, a reality in our lives. But here's the silver lining- even when you think or feel that "life sucks", remember that it can get better. That's hope and faith-use them regularly!!

Dr. DClutter™

Monday, May 24, 2010


Let's face it, if we're not careful, we can become overwhelmed by the need to fulfill the wishes, desires and requests of others. Sadly, we can't be "every woman" and "every man" to "everyone". Wait, let me change that because we can be "every woman" and "every man" to "everyone", but the cost would be too high. It's okay to say that you can't attend every function, or can't contribute to every cause because you just can't. It would be nice if we could always say "yes" to every request, but in the real world, it's just too much to ask of one mere mortal.

Dr. DClutter™

Friday, May 21, 2010

I often read a small town paper online called the Daily Herald. In the opinion section, there is something called Sound Off! The purpose is for readers to share comments about what matters to them, ranging from topics about life in the city, politics and personal pet peeves, to compliments and complaints. I thoroughly enjoy reading Sound Off! and decided to offer something similar to you, my faithful followers. I love it!! In Sound Off! readers are encouraged to stay on topic, be respectful and the use of foul or obscene language, personal attacks or uses of another's identity to post are not allowed. The rules for what I am calling "Let Go!! with Dr. DClutter™" are the same. Every Friday is our official Let Go!! w/Dr. DClutter™ day. I'll post your advice, ideas, stories and thoughts. It'll be a place for you to share your life management and organization issues as well as discuss life events that inspire, empower or bother you. You can "leave it all here", as long as you follow the rules I discussed above. All comments will be reviewed before posting. So get ready, get set and Let Go!! w/Dr. DClutter™.

Dr. DClutter™

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Looking Back?

If your past is firmly behind you, why do you spend so much time looking back to see it?

Dr. DClutter™

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Excellent Habit

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.Aristotle

Do you repeatedly bring or allow unnecessary objects, unfulfilling experiences and negative people into your life, but never allow any of that out? Pretty soon you may start to feel overwhelmed, undervalued and unfulfilled. If this sounds like you, STOP!! Habits are those wonderful little performances in life that can be either positive or negative, but let's strive to make excellence a habit that we ascribe to daily.

Dr. DClutter™

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Maintenance Required

Work spares us from three evils: boredom, vice, and need.Voltaire

There's just no way around it, maintaining order requires effort. You can choose to forge forward, attack and complete the task on your own, or wait for "stuff" to pile up until you feel out of control. Sadly, life is not guaranteed to always be a thrill-a-minute, but when we feel a sense of control, we're more likely to enjoy ourselves. Strive to enjoy as much of life as possible.

Dr. DClutter™

Monday, May 17, 2010

Mind Over Matter?

You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind.

Author Unknown

Are you more of an idea person, or do you enjoy the physicality of completing a task? I used to jokingly say that I worked for my degrees, so that I would not have to perform "physical labor". As I said, I was joking-slightly, because as much as I like to "think" my way through life, I know that in order for me to accomplish tasks, I also have to put in the physical effort. Ideas are great and I encourage you to use as much mental prowess as you have been blessed to possess. But, unless you follow through with the "work", a great idea is just a dream in your mind without a chance of realization, until you release and implement it.

Dr. DClutter™

Friday, May 14, 2010

I often read a small town paper online called the Daily Herald. In the opinion section, there is something called Sound Off! The purpose is for readers to share comments about what matters to them, ranging from topics about life in the city, politics and personal pet peeves, to compliments and complaints. I thoroughly enjoy reading Sound Off! and decided to offer something similar to you, my faithful followers. I love it!! In Sound Off! readers are encouraged to stay on topic, be respectful and the use of foul or obscene language, personal attacks or uses of another's identity to post are not allowed. The rules for what I am calling "Let Go!! with Dr. DClutter™" are the same. Every Friday is our official Let Go!! w/Dr. DClutter™ day. I'll post your advice, ideas, stories and thoughts. It'll be a place for you to share your life management and organization issues as well as discuss life events that inspire, empower or bother you. You can "leave it all here", as long as you follow the rules I discussed above. All comments will be reviewed before posting. So get ready, get set and Let Go!! w/Dr. DClutter™.

Dr. DClutter™

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I Object!!

Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome.

Samuel Johnson

You've replayed this in your thoughts so many times that it requires no rehearsal. You've tried to get organized and better manage your life, only to become discouraged by the negative script that's on a loop in your mind. You know the one that keeps telling you that you've tried, failed, and tried again, and then asks, "What's the use?" Well, if you have to have "perfected thinking" before you try again, you'll never do it. If you persist in "talking" yourself out of "doing", you'll stay where you are. Instead, acknowledge your successful failed attempts and try again. Perfection is not required.

Dr. DClutter™

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Patience or Procrastination?

He who hesitates is lost.


Patience is something we should all strive to practice and master. Procrastination, however very rarely nets a positive outcome.

Dr. DClutter™

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sand, Water and Words

If you must speak ill of another, do not speak it, write it in the sand near the water's edge.

Napoleon Hill

Do you remember hearing that if you had nothing good to say that you should say nothing at all? Well, if this is true, I know some people who should just take a vow of silence right now!! Seriously, negative speech is never the solution, but sometimes we feel the need to vent. One way to achieve the emotional or physical release you may seek when another has hurt or offended you is to write out your thoughts. But, with that comes the risk that someone else may read your words (nosey snoops). The quote suggests writing your thoughts in the sand and implies that the water can wash them away and no one will be hurt. Well, I don't know about you, but there's not much sand or water near where I live, but that doesn’t mean you can't still vent without harm. Words are gone once you give them and can't ever be "taken" back, so find creative, yet harmless ways to express your words.

Dr. DClutter™

Monday, May 10, 2010

Learning from Failure

We learn wisdom from failure much more than success. We often discover what we will do, by finding out what we will not do.
Samuel Smiles

I've written on numerous occasions about the successful failures in my life. Of particular note have been my attempts to find my place in the W-2 world (there wasn't one), only to find that I didn't fit and needed to create my own. Think about it. Even though it wasn't the most enjoyable part of my life, those experiences allowed me to identify what I DIDN'T want to do. But if I'd never dreamed, envisioned, fanaticized, thought and then implemented my plan to have and do more, I might still be in a place searching for a job that made me happy. Instead, I'm now able to live a calling that enhanced the happiness I already possessed. Sometimes we have to successfully endure failure to find success. What are you willing NOT to do in order to DO all that you desire?

Dr. DClutter™

Friday, May 7, 2010

I often read a small town paper online called the Daily Herald. In the opinion section, there is something called Sound Off! The purpose is for readers to share comments about what matters to them, ranging from topics about life in the city, politics and personal pet peeves, to compliments and complaints. I thoroughly enjoy reading Sound Off! and decided to offer something similar to you, my faithful followers. I love it!! In Sound Off! readers are encouraged to stay on topic, be respectful and the use of foul or obscene language, personal attacks or uses of another's identity to post are not allowed. The rules for what I am calling "Let Go!! with Dr. DClutter™" are the same. Every Friday is our official Let Go!! w/Dr. DClutter™ day. I'll post your advice, ideas, stories and thoughts. It'll be a place for you to share your life management and organization issues as well as discuss life events that inspire, empower or bother you. You can "leave it all here", as long as you follow the rules I discussed above. All comments will be reviewed before posting. So get ready, get set and Let Go!! w/Dr. DClutter™.

Dr. DClutter™

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thought Control

No man is ever whipped until he quits in his own mind.
Napoleon Hill

Is your mind consumed each and every waking moment because of disorganization, poor time management or other issues? Do you feel the weight of your life "in" your shoulders, back, and head because of stress or negative thinking? Remember you have to control your thoughts, not the other way around. Don't allow your thoughts to control you. Take charge today by deciding the type of life you desire and then take the steps necessary to achieve it!!

Dr. DClutter™

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure.
Napoleon Hill

Don't give up now because your next move could be the greatest success of your life. Persistence is key!!

Dr. DClutter™

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Being Green

Anyone remember Kermit the Frog's anthem, "It's not Easy Being Green"? Okay, good, but that has nothing to do with this topic, other than commonality of words, and that I just liked it as a child (and still do). I digress. Now, on with the actual topic. We've all heard of "Being Green or Going Green", which simply means that we strive to be eco-friendly, or try to reduce our carbon footprint, or conserve energy, or use less of this and more of that-you get the point. I'm all for it!! I do my SMALL part to make a big difference (I hope). One way I try to "Go Green" and hopefully help save a tree is by dually recycling my paper. Huh? Twice? Well, technically, I reuse twice and then recycle, but I liked the sound of the first one better-dually recycling. When I'm printing or copying in my office or for personal use and it's just for me or to file, I do my darndest to use both sides of the paper. So if you were to visit me right now, you'd find "used" paper in my printer. Yes, yesterday's old is today's new. Call it cheap or frugal, but I call it being ultra smart (if I do say so myself-and I do). It's kinda easy being green. Okay, now I know you want to see the video (even if you deny it), so here it is: Here's also an article that takes a comically different perspective on the subject. For the record, I wrote this BEFORE I read the article, so I take credit for the Kermit reference (SMILE):,9171,1686805,00.html.

Dr. DClutter™

Monday, May 3, 2010

Too Late?

Do you remember being told that you could do anything you wanted as long as you gave it your best effort or set your mind on it? I remember hearing this a great deal growing up, but as I got older, I started to hear it less and less. Why? Because we advance in years, does that mean that we shouldn't give our all to achieving our goals? I think not. There's a really nice commercial that airs, where senior citizens are stating what they plan to be when they grow up. Follow suit and don't give up on your dreams because you've gotten older. That's a great time to try new things!!

Dr. DClutter™

Sunday, May 2, 2010

My Special Day!!

This is a special alert!! If you were not aware of the newest national holiday, let me bring you up to speed. Today is my birthday!! Okay, so it’s not a national holiday (yet), but I celebrate it as if it was (without the parade).

As a child, I felt so much happiness, coupled with unabashed excitement of the impending day when it was nearing my birthday. My mother always baked a cake for me and despite the fact that they were often lopsided (you try baking with 2 or 3 sons in the kitchen and see how well your cakes would look), I loved them. There were usually just a few people at my “party”, mainly my mother, grandmother, and brothers and on occasion, a cousin or friend. But it felt as if I’d had one of those Hollywood type parties celebrities throw for themselves; lavish, festive and memorable. I would tell anyone that my birthday was coming or was here (it was a kinder world then). But then a strange thing happened as I got older; my “happiness” was replaced by gratefulness. I don’t feel those child-like emotions or even get excited about my birthday anymore. Instead, a strong feeling of gratitude for the blessing of another birthday has replaced those more outwardly visible emotions.

I don’t worry or concern myself with the fact that I’m a year older, or that I’m aging; I’ve never been concerned with getting older or finding the fountain of youth. My fountain springs eternal, internally. Does that make sense to you? It makes perfect sense to me. I embrace that I’m getting older (and hopefully, wiser)!! So, there will be no lopsided cake this year. My grandmother is in heaven and my brothers, cousins and friends are living their lives, so there won’t be a “party”. Despite all of the changes, it’s still a great birthday.

Well, I've been to the spa and been pampered, then I went to a tranquil place to watch the birds, planes and boats. Then there’s dinner (Mommy’s still hanging in for that). Wow!! What a great birthday and I’m so GRATEFUL!!

About Me

My photo
Washington, DC, United States
I am Dr. Darnita L. Payden, Executive Director/Owner of Dr. DClutter™ Life Management, a division of PreciousOnes™ LLC. I have a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology and over 20 years of experience working to help clients discover their strengths and talents. Having worked as a therapist, college professor, grief specialist and trainer, I have encountered in my journey many of the issues my clients may face. I have a sincere desire to help you find clarity, organization and independence in your life and environments. I know that life can be hectic, but I desire to help my clients bring as much order, peace and enjoyment back into their lives as is possible. What separates me from the norm? I focus on the client from a holistic perspective. I realize that most people desire a functional and an organized life, but may simply need support, understanding and information about why they have the habits or tendencies that have led to disorganization. I do not perform “quick fixes” or provide “one-size-fits-all” guidance, but I strive to provide strategies to my clients that will be life changing and useful for a lifetime. Dr. DClutter™ is a name well earned!!

Dr. DClutter's™ Publications

  • Dr. DClutter's™ Wiseisms and Thruthisms™ Daily Inspirations, Observations and Humorous Musings
  • Dr. DClutter's™ One-Day-a-Week-Guide to a Year of Random Acts of Kindness (plus 20 extra days just in case)
  • Dr. DClutter's™ 21-Day Journey to a New You
  • Declutter-Four Benefits of an Organized Life
  • Clutter Makes You S.I.G.H.™
  • Simplify. Simplify. How to Declutter Your Life

Four Benefits of Organization

Four Benefits of Organization

Search Wiseisms and Truthisms Blog

Dr. DClutter™ featured on Walden University Radio

What's Your Organizational Issue?

  • Original content copyright 2011 by Dr. Darnita L. Payden; republication by permission only.