Life management insights, strategies, hints, ideas, and tips from Dr. DClutter™.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Path to Avenues
Life with just one path traveled is boring. I prefer multiple avenues!!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Scan and Then Can It (Sort Of)
So, I was having another one of my PWIT™ (Practice What I Teach™) moments. I was reading the latest copy of Money magazine and found a couple of valuable (and relevant) strategies that would work for me that I wanted to keep. But the rest of the magazine would end up being a space stealer and clutter-a big "No-No", so what to do?? Glad you asked. I carefully tore out the pages I wanted to keep, scanned them into an online file for money matters and recycled the magazine. Good for me, my bank account, my space and the environment. It's a goody all-around!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
We Remember
Our thoughts and prayers are with our Nation.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Easily Simple
Wish I could take credit for this one, but it was a gift from Ken: "Just because it's simple, doesn't mean it's easy." Keep that one in mind the next time you're faced with a challenge (that's mine).
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
What's Clutter?
When I say "clutter", you say "what". Clutter. What. Clutter. What (okay this is not a pep rally and now that phrase is stuck in my head). My purpose in this little exchange is to ask how you define "clutter". So, let loose and give me your best definition of clutter. I'll come back with my response in a day or so.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Smead’s SuperTab® Folder w/Lockit®
So, you may say, isn’t it “just” a folder? “Yes, it is a folder”, but
it’s so much more. This unique design will hold up to 50 sheets of paper
in each pocket and has a built-in tab to label and then file. The
really nice feature is the Lockit® flap that holds those important
papers securely inside!! No more dropping your presentation in front of
the crowd or having to chase the papers down the street if a gusty wind
blows. Nope, not any more. You’ll always look professional and prepared
with Smead’s SuperTab® Two-Pocket Folders.
Products are provided free by Smead for review.
Products are provided free by Smead for review.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Persistence Pays Off
I was trying all morning to make hotel
reservations to visit my niece @ college and was told five times that
the hotel was booked due to a convention and a college event. Not so,
said I. I kept calling until I got the room and the rate I wanted. Gotta
keep trying folks. Not just for a hotel reservation, but in life as
well. "No" does not always mean "no" in some situations, but it does if
you take "it" the first time.
Monday, August 20, 2012
No Self Condemnation
People are often telling me how they "messed up", "missed the mark" or just plain "failed". Not so fast, I say. I always think of it like this. Mistakes happen and we learn from them (hopefully) and then we move on. You have many, many years to live (I pray), so a not-so-good-for-you-meal here and there, or a sad, somber or off mood there, from time to time, will happen. Be kind to yourself. God forgives us (not that you committed any sin in eating or feeling sad), but the problem comes because we don't forgive ourselves. Try it, you'll feel better!!
Friday, August 17, 2012
Clearing out your closets improves your mood, especially when you do it because you need smaller clothes!! Plus, the warm fuzzies of donating to those in need just ups the "feel good endorphins". It's a win, win!!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Is This You??
Although this "makes light of" the issue, if this is you, take it one step
(or roll) at a time and you'll be well on your way to a successful
purge. You can do it!!

Thursday, August 9, 2012
Surprise Package?
If you shop so much or often that you're surprised by the contents when a package arrives, probably time to rethink your choice of retail therapy.
Friday, August 3, 2012
No Shame?
We often say that there's no shame in having mental, physical or emotional issues, but then we make those suffering from those conditions feel shameful. Let's practice what we preach.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
CBN Interview Airs Today
The interview about hoarding, with Lorie Johnson of CBN is on today-ABC Family @10am, 11pm, and 3am EST!! I would love to hear your comments after it airs. You can watch it online too, in real time.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
CBN Interview Air Date
The interview that I filmed on hoarding, with Lorie Johnson of CBN, is set to air on Thursday, August 2, 2012!! The story should air right after the first commercial break (they're very precise over there and I love that, but if not, stick around for it). This information was provided by the network and may change, so as they say, check your local listings. Look for it on the ABC Family (10am, 11pm and 3am EST). It will also air on TBN at 3 pm EST, Direct TV ABC Family (Channel 311), TBN (Channel 372), NRB (Channel 378), Dish Network ABC Family (Channel 180), TBN (Channel 260) and online not long after the television airing. I'll post a link here when I get it. I'll also repost this post daily until it airs. Hope you can watch and tell everyone else you know to tune in as well, please!!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
CBN Interview Air Date
The interview that I filmed on hoarding, with Lorie Johnson of CBN, is set to air on Thursday, August 2, 2012!! The story should air right after the first commercial break (they're very precise over there and I love that, but if not, stick around for it). This information was provided by the network and may change, so as they say, check your local listings. Look for it on the ABC Family (10am, 11pm and 3am EST). It will also air on TBN at 3 pm EST, Direct TV ABC Family (Channel 311), TBN (Channel 372), NRB (Channel 378), Dish Network ABC Family (Channel 180), TBN (Channel 260) and online not long after the television airing. I'll post a link here when I get it. I'll also repost this post daily until it airs. Hope you can watch and tell everyone else you know to tune in as well, please!!
Monday, July 30, 2012
CBN Interview Air Date
The interview that I filmed on hoarding, with Lorie Johnson of CBN, is set to air on Thursday, August 2, 2012!! The story should air right after the first commercial break (they're very precise over there and I love that, but if not, stick around for it). This information was provided by the network and may change, so as they say, check your local listings. Look for it on the ABC Family (10am, 11pm and 3am EST). It will also air on TBN at 3 pm EST, Direct TV ABC Family (Channel 311), TBN (Channel 372), NRB (Channel 378), Dish Network ABC Family (Channel 180), TBN (Channel 260) and online not long after the television airing. I'll post a link here when I get it. I'll also repost this post daily until it airs. Hope you can watch and tell everyone else you know to tune in as well, please!!
Friday, July 27, 2012
CBN Interview Air Date
The interview that I filmed last month on hoarding, with Lorie Johnson of CBN, is set to air on Thursday, August 2, 2012!! The story should air right after the first commercial break (they're very precise over there and I love that, but if not, stick around for it). This information was provided by the network and may change, so as they say, check your local listings. Look for it on the ABC Family (10am, 11pm and 3am EST). It will also air on TBN at 3 pm EST, Direct TV ABC Family (Channel 311), TBN (Channel 372), NRB (Channel 378), Dish Network ABC Family (Channel 180), TBN (Channel 260) and online not long after the television airing. I'll post a link here when I get it. I'll also repost this post daily until it airs. Hope you can watch and tell everyone else you know to tune in as well, please!!
Smead™ MO® System (My Organizer)
Smead™ helps you keep your projects under "wraps" with it's MO® (My Organizer) System. With just three easy steps, you'll be well on your way to tackling that seemingly insurmountable project.

Step one (pictured below) is a foldable file case that provides instant organization (with your effort of course). You can tame your desktop, drawer or shelf with this file case that can replace paper piles, hanging folders and binders, all while offering; portability. No need to remain tied to your filing cabinet-"Oh No"-you can simply place your folders in this file case and go!!

Step two (pictured below) is the Project Kit which includes 9 Camel colored SuperTab folders and you get easy to follow instructions and handy pre-printed and blank labels.It's "excuse-proof", just add "effort" and you're on your way to Step three!!

Once you've decluttered and organized your files, you're ready to "wrap it up" with the Case Wrap (pictured below), which holds both of the items in the previous two steps. It too is portable, but fits most file drawers, if the need arises. There you have it, an easy-to-use, portable, but fileable three-step organization system for the busy professional!!

Products are provided free by Smead for review.
Step one (pictured below) is a foldable file case that provides instant organization (with your effort of course). You can tame your desktop, drawer or shelf with this file case that can replace paper piles, hanging folders and binders, all while offering; portability. No need to remain tied to your filing cabinet-"Oh No"-you can simply place your folders in this file case and go!!
Step two (pictured below) is the Project Kit which includes 9 Camel colored SuperTab folders and you get easy to follow instructions and handy pre-printed and blank labels.It's "excuse-proof", just add "effort" and you're on your way to Step three!!
Once you've decluttered and organized your files, you're ready to "wrap it up" with the Case Wrap (pictured below), which holds both of the items in the previous two steps. It too is portable, but fits most file drawers, if the need arises. There you have it, an easy-to-use, portable, but fileable three-step organization system for the busy professional!!
Products are provided free by Smead for review.
The picture below is a bonus one, just for fun!!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Avoid Avoidance
Ever notice that you spend more time avoiding a task than you actually spend completing the task? Avoidance is unnecessary!!
Friday, July 20, 2012
A Natural High
Completing tasks provides a feeling of accomplishment and releases those "feel good" endorphins-a drug free euphoria. Try it!!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Off the Grid
Hey, going off the grid (social media) for some refocusing and rejuvenation for a couple of weeks or more, so my posts will be fewer and far between (for a minute or two). I'll be sure to pop in from time to time to check on what you wonderful folks are chatting about. Hopefully you'll still be here when I get back!!
Friday, July 13, 2012
Never regret. If it’s good, it’s wonderful. If it’s bad, it’s experience.-Victoria Holt
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Hotter than July
Hindered by the heat?? Held hostage by the humidity?? This is a great time to tackle some of those indoor items on your to do list. No excuse-it's just too hot to be outdoors. Be productive!!
Monday, July 9, 2012
Do It Now
"Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you ready or not, to put this plan into action".- Napoleon Hill
This means procrastination is not part of the plan.
This means procrastination is not part of the plan.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Since the storms ravaged the area, maybe you're considering buying a generator. Check out this Consumer Reports Buying Guide before you do. It's more involved than you might think.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Monday, July 2, 2012
Hmm...could this be true?
Photo from Jokes and Quotes |
Friday, June 29, 2012
Smead™SuperTab® Folder
Products are provided free by Smead for review.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
CBN Interview Photos
Had an awesome time and so thankful that this story will help so many!!
Click on each photo for a larger view.
Click on each photo for a larger view.
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Lorie Johnson, CBN medical reporter. |
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Jerome-the ultimate professional cameraman. |
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Love that dress!! Oh and the shoes were to die for (and good for about 4 hours), lol!! |
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That camera probably cost more than my first car!! |
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David adjusting the light. Those were really BRIGHT lights. |
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Don't I look 6 feet tall? Nope, not even close!! Thanks to Jerome for adding "camera" height. |
Monday, June 25, 2012
CBN Interview
I am so excited, honored and humbled to partner with Lorie Johnson of CBN. We're doing a story on hoarding and plan to offer a personal glimpse into the life of someone who suffers from the disorder. We're shooting tomorrow, so I hope to have more to share with you after we're done. Maybe a picture or two as well!! Here's a link to some of Ms. Johnson's recent stories. More information about an air date to come!!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Upcoming Interview
So excited as I prep for an upcoming television interview. Stay tuned for more info!!
Monday, June 18, 2012
"Trials teach us what we are; they dig up the soil, and let us see what we are made of."
Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon
Friday, June 15, 2012
HSC Pediatric Center June Fair 2012 Pics
Some pics from a glorious day of volunteering at the HSC Pediatric Center's June Fair 2012 Family and Community Health Expo.
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This was EARLY in the morning. Notice the t-shirt? Paris Love-thanks!! |
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I was working the registration table. I look pretty happy, don’t I? I was-it’s a great cause!! |
One of four tents, with well over 100 vendors. Great support.
Hey, someone had to hold up the tent pole. It was a short break, I promise. |
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Prince DaJour was the emcee for the event. |
Mr. Robinson and I were tablecloth and t-shirt partners during the set-up. He did a great job!! |
Could I smile ANY harder? It was a great day!! |
Jackie was in charge of volunteers (and so much more). |
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
"Look Ma, no cavities!!" How often do you visit your dentist? Did you know our teeth are one of the most neglected parts of our bodies? If you're not true to them, they'll be false to you!!
Monday, June 11, 2012
Happy Birthday Moma!!

I am grateful you're my mother!! Happy birthday!!
Saturday, June 9, 2012
HSC Family and Community Fair
What a LONG, but FULFILLING day. I volunteered at The HSC Pediatric Center's June Fair, Family and Community Health Expo. I met many great staff, volunteers, vendors and folks from the community. It was truly a blessing to serve!! Special thanks to Jackie and Segreata from HSC and Prince DaJour from CBS radio for the "shout out"!! Pictures coming next week.
Friday, June 8, 2012
How do you feel if you aren't successful at performing or completing a task? Does it make you feel inferior, or weak, tired or defeated? Don't!! We can all learn from every experience, even those we deem failures (I call them successful failures, but I digress). What can you take from that type of experience? How about not ever doing it again, or doing it in a different manner? There's always room for improvement, but don't shun the opportunity to learn from every experience.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Daily Gifts
Remember when you were a kid and it was time for presents? Whether it was your birthday, Christmas or just a special occasion, you were likely truly excited about tearing off the wrapping paper or digging into the bag to find what delightful treasure would soon be yours. I've been thinking lately, that if I think of each day as a gift, I'm likely to enjoy it more. While every day doesn't promise me a new treasure, that doesn't mean I can't look forward to a daily gift. What about you?
Monday, June 4, 2012
I have a rule I do my best to adhere to at all times: Don't worry, unless I have concrete evidence that I have to do so. Am I always successful? Absolutely not!! But I do strive to do it as much as possible, Sometimes the anticipation of an event is worse than the actual event and you've wasted precious energy on something that is usually not as "bad" as you anticipated. So, the next time you're feeling antsy about a situation, evaluate your level of anxiety and see if it matches the situation. If not, dial it back a notch and put forth the effort and action to conquer what lies ahead.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Smead FasTab™ Hanging Folder
No more tabs, no more tabs!! With this Smead FasTab™ hanging folder, there's no need to look for those plastic tabs anymore. You can write directly on the folder, customizing and personalizing each one to fit your needs. Plus, these folders are stronger than their traditional counterparts, so they're sure to last a long time. Ah, freedom and strength.
Products are provided free by Smead for review.
Products are provided free by Smead for review.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Time Timer at the Gym
The Time Timer keeping me on track for my workout at the Capitol Fitness Studio. Yeah I'm giving my trainer a plug!! Capitol Fitness
Capitol Fitness is not affiliated/nor endorses Time Timer.
Capitol Fitness is not affiliated/nor endorses Time Timer.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Honor Memorial Day
James Payden, Army
Purcell Matthews, Navy from Tia R. Chase
Friday, May 25, 2012
Conditions of Forgiveness?
If someone has offended you, do you require an apology before offering forgiveness? What if an apology never comes, what then?
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Comfort Level
Do you feel the need to fill every moment of your life with "something" to do, or are you comfortable with free time? It's sort of like being comfortable with silence (or not).
Monday, May 21, 2012
Make this Monday memorable no matter your situation.
Friday, May 18, 2012
After Birthday Presents
So after a delightful Mother's Day dinner, my sister-in-law and I strolled into the Jimmy Choo boutique for a little after dinner shopping. It was then I fell in love (or a very deep like) with the Jimmy Choo travel bag (in red). To my delight, it was bargained priced (and a steal) at JUST $1995. So, I thought, since it's my birthday month and I celebrate the entire month (who doesn't??), I'd be willing to be a little selfless and help all of you all out there who are just scratching your heads about what to get me for a present before the month is out. Never fear, I've come to your rescue. Oh, and there's no need to wrap it-I'll just take it as is. HILARIOUS, isn't it??
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Think, Don't Speak
Just because you think it doesn't mean you need to say it.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Lonely Visions
Everyone will not understand or accept your vision. Visionaries often walk alone.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Confusion Magnets
Ever feel as if you're in a force field of confusion and negativity, where all the people around you are sprouting nothing but confusion and negativity? Do you know those types of people who never have a kind word to say or never have a positive experience to share? Do you know those people for whom it's always gloom and doom, even when you have great news to share? For those types of people, confusion is a way of life, and if you're not careful, instead of you affecting a positive change in their lives, they'll bring you down and negatively affect YOUR life. Don't fall victim to the naysayers. Avoid them, if possible, at all costs!! You're too valuable to spend your time with anyone who does not have your best interest at heart and who's goal is to encourage and uplift you. Seek positivity in those you allow into your world!!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
I Can's/I Will's
Life can be grand. Life can be trying, and challenging. But that doesn't mean you have to accept it as it comes. You have the power to change and the tool to do it. The tool is a powerful muscle that sits in your mouth- THE TONGUE. Replace each "I can't" with an "I can" (and then do it). Replace each "I won't" with an "I will" (and then do it). Soon you'll find yourself with more positive thoughts and behaviors and your life will seem limitless. You will have made a change toward the positive!!
Monday, May 7, 2012
Positivity Week Challenge
This week, I challenge you to a week of living positively. If you accept the challenge, (and I pray you will), all I ask you to do is to replace each negative thought with a positive one, coupled with an actionable behavior. Keep track in your journal, or whatever method you prefer. At the end of the week, review to see how much more positive your life has been. So, please share this challenge with everyone you know. I'd love to hear all about your success so please share!!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Happy Birthday!!
♪ Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear me, happy birthday to me!! ♪ I'm taking some time off from posting to celebrate the anniversary of my birth, but I'll check in and return full force on May 7, 2012. Until then, take care!!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Smead 100% Recycled 2 Pocket Folder™
Ah, a 2 pocket folder; it's the workhorse of the office world, but let's face it, even I can't make it sound exciting. But wait-I think I can. Did you know that you can help save a tree or two (or millions) just by using recycled office supplies like Smead's 100% Recycled 2 Pocket Folder™? On my soapbox here (and using CAPS, so please indulge me)-USE AS MANY RECYCLED PRODUCTS AS POSSIBLE!!-off my soapbox now and thanks for listening :)
Products are provided free by Smead for review.
Products are provided free by Smead for review.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Life Saver
Some days you just feel like you need one of these. It's okay-we all need a little help every now and then.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
It's Key
Ever given any thought to how dirty and germ-filled your keys are? Are you giving it thought now that you've read this?? Just asking, lol!!
Monday, April 23, 2012
Problems sometimes simply require a refocusing of your thoughts and behaviors. If you're lacking a solution, don't become bogged down by them. Ask for help. Sometimes your problems simply require a refocus of your thinking (and action) about them. Gain a fresh perspective!!
Friday, April 20, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
As a "doctor of positivity", I'm going to ask you to do something that will sound counterintuitive, but its not. I want you to fixate. Now, that normally comes loaded with negativity, but not this time. I don't want you to fixate on your problems, worries or difficulties (you probably do that enough already). Instead, I want to encourage you to fixate on all of the positive aspects of life-your successes, your accomplishments, your joys and rewards. Set aside a time every day to do nothing but fixate on those things that improve your life. Do this, without fail, and I believe you will start to see a change in your attitude towards life. Fixate!!
Monday, April 16, 2012
Weighty Issue
Okay, here's where fear and loathing could be introduced because if you're like me, you too hate the scale (it's evil). But I'm not talking about the number on THAT scale. I'm talking about your luggage. Since I do my fair share of traveling and have seen the shocked looks of disbelief when a traveler is told about a luggage surcharge, I never leave home without weighing my own. Yep, no surprises for me!! A luggage scale is inexpensive (mine was under $20) and fairly accurate (usually within a pound or two). So, even for a self-confessed over-packer like me, there are tools that can save you a little (or a lot) of money if used wisely.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Ever received an email (or text) that sent your heart into fluttered palpitations? How about a voicemail that made you feel as if all of the blood had certainly drained from your face? While your initial response would be to compose a curt response or leave a "let-me-get-you-straight" response, DON'T. Wait a day or so to allow your emotions to return to the normal state before responding. It could save a relationship (business or personal) and it might just give the problem a chance "to work itself out". As my Grandmothers would say, "Don't make haste."
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
I'm a self-confessed over-packer. Organized packer? Yes. I have my checklist prepared always. Functional? Absolutely. I take what's needed for each part of the trip...but I could never get it down to just one bag for my luggage. Well, miracles happen everyday!! I managed to get everything I needed for a trip in one bag. So very proud of me.. Toot, toot (that's me "tooting" my own horn). Hey Paris Love, I did it, lol!!
Monday, April 9, 2012
We all like to save a buck or two, so coupons can be a great cost cutting measure. However, don't become so enthralled by a "bargain" that you're enticed to buy items you don't really need just because it's $1 off.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Play or Pause?
Life give us many choice, some positive, some not so positive. We have to seize each opportunity to make changes that will propel us forward. Being stuck in one place or afraid to try new things is like pushing the "pause" button in life. Don't!! Push "play" every chance you get.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Growing Pains
In order for growth to occur, we must be open to correction.
Monday, April 2, 2012
How much of your life is spent on mindless tasks that don't enrich or benefit you? Take stock (and notes) of the things that you may do throughout your day that are "stealing" your precious time and then vow to stop. After all, your time is one of your most valuable resources.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Smead See File Organizer™
I love chocolate. Of course that has nothing to do with this post except I wanted to share it with you and this month's Smead product, The See File™ happens to come in chocolate (with a moss interior). So, on with the show (or at least the review); when you can improve your functioning and organization with a product-that's always a bonus. With the See File, you get a boatload of space (up to 900 plus sheets of storage); you get twelve pockets (that's a lot of project organization right there); you get the ever-need alpha labels, as well as the months (and the numbers to boot), plus household subjects and blank labels as well. It's simply a great organizational tool to keep all of those important files and papers that are needed to help you function at your optimal best. Simply functional!!
Products are provided free by Smead for review.
Products are provided free by Smead for review.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Is it Really Free?
We all like free stuff-it's just fun, but many offers come with a hefty price tag, even if it's lauded as "free". What generally happens is there's a requirement for you to provide your billing information. RED FLAG!! If it's free, why would they need to "bill you?" Nothing "free" requires your billing info. If however, you decide to venture forward into the land-of-not-really-free and provide that information-be aware- they expect you to sign up and never cancel. To avoid that pitfall, be certain you have few pieces of information handy: the cancellation period before you're billed; the method necessary for cancellation (telephone number, website, mailing address) and any confirmation numbers you were given. Also, set a reminder before the deadline to remind yourself to cancel. Then, it might really be "free", and you won't have to foot the bill, except for your time, which should be priceless.
Sweetest 16th!!
Happy birthday to the SWEETEST 16 year-old-niece on Earth!! Love you much and pray it's the BEST birthday thus far!!!!!!
Monday, March 26, 2012
The Enemy
The enemy of chaos is order. Try it. Just pick one area of your life, focus on changing and then note your success (or successful failure). Take what you've learned about yourself and implement the change.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Sage Advice
I'm pretty good in many things I attempt. I'm also, not so adept in many things I attempt. It's a happy balance that I seek. When I'm confronted with a task that's out of my range of skills, I ask for help. There's almost always someone who can help you view your dilemma from a fresh perspective, if you're willing to seek sage counsel. Just ask.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Futile Exercise
While it may appear that "running away" from your problems is good exercise (it's not), it's actually futile because you'll never get a resolution, but you will remain in a perpetual state of flux. Not a joyous place to reside. Confront your problems head on and seek help if it's warranted.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Spring officially "sprung" at 1:14am. Did I blink and miss Winter??
Monday, March 19, 2012
Yes, No, Maybe
Do you have a burning question you'd like to ask but fear what the response will be? Well, you can certainly guarantee that the answer will ALWAYS be "NO", if you never ask the question. Improve your odds and just ask!!
Friday, March 16, 2012
Ever find yourself stuck in a rut, routine or plan that's no longer working for you? What do you do to free yourself from monotony? Step out and find new things that excite and motivate you. Take a class, learn a new language or try an adventure that you thought you'd never try. Whatever the method, don't stay stuck.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Future Joy??
I love goals. I love having and making goals. I have daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals. I have short-term and long-term goals as well. Noticing a pattern here?? With all of my goal making, I'm just as careful to not allow all of my planning to get in the way of actually living in the moment and sapping all of the joy out of life. Don't put off the excitement of life because it doesn’t "fit" your goals. Some of the best experiences and memories weren't planned. Enjoy life!!
Monday, March 12, 2012
Cart Optional
To prevent overbuying on the "one thing" trips to the store, forego the cart or bag. You'll be forced to buy only what you can carry in your arms.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Check for Accuracy
How many of you accept your receipts without even glancing at them for accuracy in price, number of items purchased and correct change? Although most transactions are automated, remember computer can make "mistakes" and there's still the human aspect. Take a moment to glace to check for mistakes in your favor.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Opportunities Available
Opportunities are often presented, but we miss them because of all that's happening in our lives. Take the time to view each opportunity with expectancy, wonderment and possibility.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Clear Perspective
The person's view is colored by many experiences, which can cause a distorted reality. It's been said that those who view the world through "rose-colored-glasses", have a skewed, perhaps naïve view of the world. Instead of viewing the world in a hue colored haze, look clearly at each situation and make the best decisions based on the evidence presented. That way, you'll have a "clear" view of your world.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Life is full of ups, downs, highs and lows. It's how you choose to deal with them that will determine how your days, weeks, months and years will be.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Smead Tax Organizer™
Remember the old adage (I'm paraphrasing here),that there were only two certainties in life, death and taxes? Well, let's add another-disorganization with taxes. Thankfully Smead and I can help you with two of the three. With tax time quickly approaching you may be searching for a place to keep all of those receipts and papers that will hopefully make your (or your accountant’s) job at tax time a little easier. The Tax Organizer™ by Smead provides six pockets to keep everything neat and in one place, handy pre-printed tabs to label each page and even tips to help you use the Tax Organizer™ to the fullest. Now, we can't guarantee a tax refund, but if used properly, we can guarantee that you will be able to organize all that you need when the tax bell tolls for thee!!
Products are provided free by Smead for review.
Products are provided free by Smead for review.
Monday, February 27, 2012
No one can take away your dignity. But be certain, “YOU” can give it away based on your behavior and language.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Fearful Thinking
Changing old habits, and replacing them with new ones, almost never takes as much time and effort as does the procrastinating, worrying and thinking about it does. Use that energy to implement the change instead.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Embrace Newness
Don't be afraid to try new things. Remember, everything you now consider “old” was once “new”, but probably seems extremely familiar to you now. Embrace newness with a passion and challenge yourself to do something new at LEAST once a week!!
Monday, February 20, 2012
Happy President's Day!!
How do you spend federal holidays? Do you celebrate the day or celebrate the break from work?
Friday, February 17, 2012
Trust: Earned or Given?
Which statement most closely reflects your belief on trust?
1. Trust should be earned over a period of time based on a person's actions or behaviors.
2. Trust should be given, regardless of a person's actions or behaviors and should be theirs to retain or lose.
1. Trust should be earned over a period of time based on a person's actions or behaviors.
2. Trust should be given, regardless of a person's actions or behaviors and should be theirs to retain or lose.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Have you ever had someone suggest changes that YOU should make in your life that seem to benefit them more than you? Take the time to question “why?” If the change doesn’t make you happy, or make your life easier, consider the motive of the person “requesting” the change.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Reality Check
Living with a person with a disorganization/clutter problem is rarely easy since their behaviors are likely to affect you. Clutter often encroaches on shared family, often becomes a point of contention and can snowball out of control if allowed. While it may be difficult to do, it's important to be supportive and encourage the person who has this issue to seek help.
Here are a few tips on what to say to encourage someone to seek help:
1. I want the best for you.
2. You deserve to live a functional life.
3. I'll support you.
4. I won't judge you.
5. I understand that this may be difficult for you.
6. I understand that parting with your things is not easy, but I believe you can do it.
Here are few things NOT to say:
1. You need to clean this mess.
2. Why won't you clean this mess?
3. You need to stop living like a slob.
4. It's all your fault and you're on your own.
5. Stop being lazy.
6. Why don't you just throw it all away!!
This doesn't mean that you condone the living situation or should have to suffer in silence, but remember these points: Don't play the blame game-it doesn't work. Blaming yourself for their position or them for their situation is just a recipe for anger and resentment to build. Try not to become angry and speak from a place of rage. Remain calm and don't lash out with negative and hurtful words. Express your desire for the person to live a more organized life. Remember, most people do not truly desire to live this way, but may lack the skills and resources to change.
Here are a few tips on what to say to encourage someone to seek help:
1. I want the best for you.
2. You deserve to live a functional life.
3. I'll support you.
4. I won't judge you.
5. I understand that this may be difficult for you.
6. I understand that parting with your things is not easy, but I believe you can do it.
Here are few things NOT to say:
1. You need to clean this mess.
2. Why won't you clean this mess?
3. You need to stop living like a slob.
4. It's all your fault and you're on your own.
5. Stop being lazy.
6. Why don't you just throw it all away!!
This doesn't mean that you condone the living situation or should have to suffer in silence, but remember these points: Don't play the blame game-it doesn't work. Blaming yourself for their position or them for their situation is just a recipe for anger and resentment to build. Try not to become angry and speak from a place of rage. Remain calm and don't lash out with negative and hurtful words. Express your desire for the person to live a more organized life. Remember, most people do not truly desire to live this way, but may lack the skills and resources to change.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Don't try to use rational thoughts to figure out irrational people. You will become frustrated every time.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Life Changes
Big life decisions don't have to be made in one swell swoop, but can be accomplished in a series of small, consistent decisions.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Missing Accountability
If you allow people in your life without accountability, don't be surprised when they repeatedly disappoint you. Even adults need rules.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Happy Makers
Don't take on the task of trying to make unhappy people happy. It's too big a task and almost impossible. What you can do is encourage them through their unhappiness and support them as well.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
When someone is trying to make positive changes, don't question “Why?”, but simply support them through the journey.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Tuff™ Hanging Folders with Easy Slide Tab™
Wouldn't it be nice if on occasion you could just “slide” through life? Well, I can't offer you that, but Smead does help you “slide” in your filing system with the Tuff™ Hanging Folders with Easy Slide Tab™.
These are the muscle of the folder world; 7 times stronger than regular folders; easy slide tabs (no more taking tabs in and out of those annoying little slots every time you want to update your filing system. Instead, you simply move the easy-to-see tab where you want it). They've even reinforced the rods-no more flimsy rods to fall and bend inside your filing cabinet. You even get a choice of colors-steel gray, blue, green, red, yellow and an assortment package of blue, red and yellow. Steel gray and the assortment package come in both letter and legal sizes.
Deceptively simple and easy (and they still give you an instruction sheet).
Products are provided free by Smead for review.
These are the muscle of the folder world; 7 times stronger than regular folders; easy slide tabs (no more taking tabs in and out of those annoying little slots every time you want to update your filing system. Instead, you simply move the easy-to-see tab where you want it). They've even reinforced the rods-no more flimsy rods to fall and bend inside your filing cabinet. You even get a choice of colors-steel gray, blue, green, red, yellow and an assortment package of blue, red and yellow. Steel gray and the assortment package come in both letter and legal sizes.
Deceptively simple and easy (and they still give you an instruction sheet).
Products are provided free by Smead for review.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Another Way
So, you say you don't like eating veggies and haven't had a piece of fruit in ages? Well, there's always another way. Try drinking them instead. This my personal recipe with ingredients I had on hand, but feel free to experiment and personalize it with your own favorites (or soon to be favorites). Fresh is ideal, but frozen (which is as close to fresh as you can get) and canned work as well. Try to use unsweetened canned fruits in the natural juice to reduce the sugar and rinse canned products to remove some of the sodium. You can also just buy the reduced or no sodium varieties. So, no more excuses not to “eat” your veggies and fruit. Go for it and share whether you liked it or not.
Oh, it helps to have a high quality blender and the smoothie tastes better the second day. Hooray for leftovers, a great way to save time, while doing something that is great for you health!!
Please, share your recipe with me.
2 cups of almond milk
1 cup fresh spinach
1 cup fresh Spring Mix greens
10 cherry tomatoes
1 can of unsweetened pears
1 can of unsweetened mandarin oranges
Just a note, I've used apples, blueberries, grapefruit, grapes, peaches, and strawberries, as well as other fruits. Nuts too such as cashews, almonds and macadamia.
Makes about 5 cups. Mix and chill or freeze.
Delish!! Enjoy!!
Oh, it helps to have a high quality blender and the smoothie tastes better the second day. Hooray for leftovers, a great way to save time, while doing something that is great for you health!!
Please, share your recipe with me.
2 cups of almond milk
1 cup fresh spinach
1 cup fresh Spring Mix greens
10 cherry tomatoes
1 can of unsweetened pears
1 can of unsweetened mandarin oranges
Just a note, I've used apples, blueberries, grapefruit, grapes, peaches, and strawberries, as well as other fruits. Nuts too such as cashews, almonds and macadamia.
Makes about 5 cups. Mix and chill or freeze.
Delish!! Enjoy!!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Give 'em the Boot
I love shoes-it's just who I am (and I make no apologies :). Sadly, sometimes a fav pair suffers a little damage for the cause, but they're still in good condition otherwise, so I want to save them. Here are just a few pics to show a quick, CHEAP and changeable way to get a little longer wear. You can't keep a shoe fashionista down-even when you mess with her shoes!!
The boot before-just a little tear going on there.
Just a little secret-that's double stick tape!!

I keep it on hand always. By using this, I can easily remove and “redesign” anytime I want. I chose white for the contrast against the dark boot and the lace, but you could easily change the color simply by using a marker.
Ta da!! A cute boot, with black lace.

The full view and ready to go!!
The boot before-just a little tear going on there.
Just a little secret-that's double stick tape!!
I keep it on hand always. By using this, I can easily remove and “redesign” anytime I want. I chose white for the contrast against the dark boot and the lace, but you could easily change the color simply by using a marker.
Ta da!! A cute boot, with black lace.
The full view and ready to go!!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Good Thing??
Too much of a good thing can be bad; too little of a great thing even worse; have to find a happy middle.
Friday, January 20, 2012
The Path
My clients often tell me that they're unsure of the path they took that lead to their current state of disorganization. Just as important as knowing what path you took that lead to your current state of disorganization, is focusing on the path that will lead (and keep) you out of it for the long term.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Verbal Sunshine
You know I love "liquid sunshine", but a newbie is here-"A compliment is verbal sunshine."
(Giant Food Store sign-really).
(Giant Food Store sign-really).
Monday, January 16, 2012
Dr. King
Today we celebrate the birthday of a historic figure, Dr. Martin Luther King. We are a country that has celebrated great change, so let's not stop now!! Take the time to remember Dr. King's dream and also make the world a much better place than it was last year at this time. Dream on-still!!
Friday, January 13, 2012
What excuse, if any, would you use if an unexpected guest asked for a tour of your home and it wasn't in the “shape” you'd like?
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Teach our girls and boys that they are too precious to be beaten up or broken down by anyone!!
Monday, January 9, 2012
In order to affect lasting change there has to be a shift in your behavior, language and thinking.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Don't Believe It
The problem is not failing, but accepting that failure is the end. Never!!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Not About Me
I've found that doing something for others makes me feel better when life is not treating me as kindly as it could or I'm experiencing a rough season. It takes the spotlight off of my problems and benefits someone else and that's a feeling that's priceless. It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture either. A simple phone call to ask someone about their day or offering to run an errand or make a dish for dinner and sharing it. Small kindnesses really can have a great impact and the rewards can be endless!!
Monday, January 2, 2012
New Year's Resolutions
Every year around this time people make their New Year's Resolutions. You know the ones: I will lose weight; I will quit this or that. You manage to stick to your resolutions for a minute and then you return to old habits. Ah, the comfort zone.
Well, this year, let's be different. Don't make any New Year's Resolutions. "What, no New Year's Resolutions??!! Yes, she's finally gone off the deep end". No, I have not, not really. Instead of putting the pressure of changing multiple habits in your life because it's a New Year, focus on one that you really want to change. "But isn't that a resolution"? Possibly, but I don't want you to think about it as a "New Year's Resolution"-that's a loaded phrase and one that might cause you to set unrealistic expectations. Change your language and your thinking and your behavior will change; change your thinking and your language and your behavior will change. It may sound like a simple play on words, but since the majority of people break or abandon resolutions before the month is over, why add the pressure? Instead of saying and thinking, "I will become organized this year", say and think (and do), "I will take these steps to become more organized this year and then list them (and do them). This is a great example: I will join a gym to lose 10 pounds (you know 10 is the magic number for some reason); I will join a gym to lose 10 pounds, go everyday and work out for one hour; I will join a gym to lose 10 pounds and change my eating habits by eating breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks." See, those are very specific and planned goals.
Have a wonderfully functional year-one day at a time!!
Every year around this time people make their New Year's Resolutions. You know the ones: I will lose weight; I will quit this or that. You manage to stick to your resolutions for a minute and then you return to old habits. Ah, the comfort zone.
Well, this year, let's be different. Don't make any New Year's Resolutions. "What, no New Year's Resolutions??!! Yes, she's finally gone off the deep end". No, I have not, not really. Instead of putting the pressure of changing multiple habits in your life because it's a New Year, focus on one that you really want to change. "But isn't that a resolution"? Possibly, but I don't want you to think about it as a "New Year's Resolution"-that's a loaded phrase and one that might cause you to set unrealistic expectations. Change your language and your thinking and your behavior will change; change your thinking and your language and your behavior will change. It may sound like a simple play on words, but since the majority of people break or abandon resolutions before the month is over, why add the pressure? Instead of saying and thinking, "I will become organized this year", say and think (and do), "I will take these steps to become more organized this year and then list them (and do them). This is a great example: I will join a gym to lose 10 pounds (you know 10 is the magic number for some reason); I will join a gym to lose 10 pounds, go everyday and work out for one hour; I will join a gym to lose 10 pounds and change my eating habits by eating breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks." See, those are very specific and planned goals.
Have a wonderfully functional year-one day at a time!!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Here's the first of the new year change-your-calendar-reminder!! C'mon over to 2012!!
Photo credit-Dennis Flaherty in the Youth Group Promotions calendar.
Beautiful-I have two!!
Photo credit-Dennis Flaherty in the Youth Group Promotions calendar.
Beautiful-I have two!!
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About Me

- Dr. DClutter™
- Washington, DC, United States
- I am Dr. Darnita L. Payden, Executive Director/Owner of Dr. DClutter™ Life Management, a division of PreciousOnes™ LLC. I have a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology and over 20 years of experience working to help clients discover their strengths and talents. Having worked as a therapist, college professor, grief specialist and trainer, I have encountered in my journey many of the issues my clients may face. I have a sincere desire to help you find clarity, organization and independence in your life and environments. I know that life can be hectic, but I desire to help my clients bring as much order, peace and enjoyment back into their lives as is possible. What separates me from the norm? I focus on the client from a holistic perspective. I realize that most people desire a functional and an organized life, but may simply need support, understanding and information about why they have the habits or tendencies that have led to disorganization. I do not perform “quick fixes” or provide “one-size-fits-all” guidance, but I strive to provide strategies to my clients that will be life changing and useful for a lifetime. Dr. DClutter™ is a name well earned!!
Dr. DClutter's™ Publications
- Dr. DClutter's™ Wiseisms and Thruthisms™ Daily Inspirations, Observations and Humorous Musings
- Dr. DClutter's™ One-Day-a-Week-Guide to a Year of Random Acts of Kindness (plus 20 extra days just in case)
- Dr. DClutter's™ 21-Day Journey to a New You
- Declutter-Four Benefits of an Organized Life
- Clutter Makes You S.I.G.H.™
- Simplify. Simplify. How to Declutter Your Life
Blog Archive
Four Benefits of Organization

Search Wiseisms and Truthisms Blog
Dr. DClutter™ featured on Walden University Radio
What's Your Organizational Issue?
- Original content copyright 2011 by Dr. Darnita L. Payden; republication by permission only.